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IPR003685 is a Photosystem I PsaD.

<p>PsaD is a small, extrinsic polypeptide located on the stromal side (cytoplasmic side in cyanobacteria) of the photosystem I reaction centre complex. It is required for native assembly of PSI reaction clusters and is implicated in the electrostatic binding of ferredoxin within the reaction centre [[cite:PUB00008162]]. PsaD forms a dimer in solution which is bound by PsaE however PsaD is monomeric in its native complexed PSI environment [[cite:PUB00008162]].</p>

This description is obtained from EB-eye REST.

Associated GO terms

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Cellular component Photosystem I A photosystem that contains an iron-sulfur reaction center associated with accessory pigments and electron carriers. In cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, photosystem I functions as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin; in photosynthetic bacteria that have only a single type I photosystem, such as the green sulfur bacteria, electrons can go either to ferredoxin (Fd) -> NAD+ or to menaquinone (MK) -> Cytb/FeS -> Cytc555 -> photosystem I (cyclic photophosphorylation).
Cellular component Photosystem I reaction center A photochemical system containing P700, the chlorophyll a dimer that functions as a primary electron donor. Functioning as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, it transfers electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin.
Biological process Photosynthesis The synthesis by organisms of organic chemical compounds, especially carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide (CO2) using energy obtained from light rather than from the oxidation of chemical compounds.

Associated Lotus transcripts 1

Transcript Name Description Predicted domains Domain count
Photosystem I reaction center subunit II; TAIR: AT1G03130.1 photosystem I subunit D-2; Swiss-Prot: sp|P32869|PSAD_CUCSA Photosystem I reaction center subunit II, chloroplastic; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|I3STB2|I3STB2_LOTJA Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi5g1v0314800 14

Co-occuring domains 1

A list of co-occurring predicted domains within the L. japonicus gene space:

Predicted domain Source Observations Saturation (%)
mobidb-lite MobiDBLite 1 100.00