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Uncharacterized conserved protein (DUF2036)

Associated GO terms

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Biological process Mitotic sister chromatid cohesion The cell cycle process in which the sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome are joined along the entire length of the chromosome, from their formation in S phase through metaphase during a mitotic cell cycle. This cohesion cycle is critical for high fidelity chromosome transmission.
Cellular component Ctf18 RFC-like complex A heptameric complex related to replication factor C, which loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA and plays a vital role in chromosome cohesion. In Saccharomyces the subunits are known as Ctf18p, Rfc2p, Rfc3p, Rfc4p, Rfc5p, Dcc1p, and Ctf8p.

Associated Lotus transcripts 3

Transcript Name Description Predicted domains Domain count
PREDICTED: sister chromatid cohesion protein DCC1-like [Cicer arietinum] gi|502100504|ref|XP_004491735.1| 4
PREDICTED: sister chromatid cohesion protein DCC1-like [Cicer arietinum] gi|502100504|ref|XP_004491735.1| 4
Sister chromatid cohesion protein DCC1; TAIR: AT2G44580.1 zinc ion binding protein; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q66I84|DCC1_DANRE Sister chromatid cohesion protein DCC1; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|I1KFJ4|I1KFJ4_SOYBN Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi1g1v0604100 3

Co-occuring domains 1

A list of co-occurring predicted domains within the L. japonicus gene space:

Predicted domain Source Observations Saturation (%)
PTHR13395 PANTHER 1 33.33