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CoxB: cytochrome c oxidase, subunit II

Associated GO terms

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Cellular component Integral component of membrane The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
Molecular function Oxidoreductase activity Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, a reversible chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of an atom or atoms within a molecule is altered. One substrate acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and becomes oxidized, while the other acts as hydrogen or electron acceptor and becomes reduced.

Associated Lotus transcripts 4

Transcript Name Description Predicted domains Domain count
Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mitochondrion) [Vicia faba] gi|442803102|gb|AGC78837.1| 25
Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mitochondrion) [Vicia faba] gi|442803102|gb|AGC78837.1| 25
Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mitochondrion) [Vicia faba] gi|442803102|gb|AGC78837.1| 25
Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2; TAIR: ATMG00160.1 cytochrome oxidase 2 (ChrM); Swiss-Prot: sp|P05491|COX2_SOYBN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|R4IUC9|R4IUC9_VICFA Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2; Found in the gene: LotjaGi5g1v0122800 26

Co-occuring domains 1

A list of co-occurring predicted domains within the L. japonicus gene space:

Predicted domain Source Observations Saturation (%)
cd13912 CDD 1 25.00