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IPR004882 is a Luc7-related.

<p>This family consists of several Luc7 protein homologues that are restricted to eukaryotes. In budding yeast, Luc7 is an essential subunit of the yeast U1 snRNP, which forms the spliceosomal commitment complex with other proteins that targets pre-mRNA to the splicing pathway [[cite:PUB00067981], [cite:PUB00016922]]. Its N-terminal zinc finger has been found to bind pre-mRNA [[cite:PUB00067981]]. This entry also contains human and mouse Luc7 like (LUC7L) proteins [[cite:PUB00016923]].</p>

This description is obtained from EB-eye REST.

Associated GO terms

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Molecular function MRNA binding Interacting selectively and non-covalently with messenger RNA (mRNA), an intermediate molecule between DNA and protein. mRNA includes UTR and coding sequences, but does not contain introns.
Cellular component U1 snRNP A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U1.
Biological process MRNA splice site selection Selection of a splice site by components of the assembling spliceosome.

Associated Lotus transcripts 5

Transcript Name Description Predicted domains Domain count
Luc7-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|357507823|ref|XP_003624200.1| 6
Luc7-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|357507823|ref|XP_003624200.1| 12
PREDICTED: luc7-like protein 3-like isoform X1 [Cicer arietinum] gi|502146194|ref|XP_004506345.1| 6
LUC7-related protein; TAIR: AT3G03340.1 LUC7 related protein; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q9Y383|LC7L2_HUMAN Putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|V7B1L9|V7B1L9_PHAVU Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi1g1v0487100 6
LUC7; TAIR: AT5G51410.1 LUC7 N terminus domain-containing protein; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q3SX41|LC7L3_BOVIN Luc7-like protein 3; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|I3T676|I3T676_LOTJA Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi3g1v0544900 6

Co-occuring domains 1

A list of co-occurring predicted domains within the L. japonicus gene space:

Predicted domain Source Observations Saturation (%)
mobidb-lite MobiDBLite 1 20.00