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Field Value
Gene ID Lj1g3v0053660
Transcript ID Lj1g3v0053660.3
Related isoforms 2
Lotus japonicus genome version MG20 v3.0
Description PREDICTED: ARM REPEAT PROTEIN INTERACTING WITH ABF2-like [Cicer arietinum] gi|502159272|ref|XP_004511450.1|
Working Lj name n.a.

Sequence information

Domain prediction

Data for domain prediction are obtained with InterProScan, and merged with InterPro data obtained from the EB-eye REST service.

Merging data from EBeye. Please wait…



Prediction algorithm Identifier Start End Length E-value InterPro ID
Gene3D 55 425 371 8.90E-87
SUPERFAMILY 56 418 363 9.88E-56
SMART 96 148 53 65
PANTHER 97 717 621 9.10E-200
PANTHER 97 717 621 9.10E-200
CDD 102 238 137 2.20E-14
ProSiteProfiles 107 161 55 8.557
SMART 149 197 49 5.50E-05
ProSiteProfiles 160 210 51 10.657
SMART 199 239 41 2.90E-07
Pfam 206 238 33 2.70E-07
CDD 206 323 118 2.21E-22
ProSiteProfiles 210 245 36 12.267
Pfam 241 280 40 1.80E-07
SMART 241 281 41 2.40E-06
ProSiteProfiles 252 294 43 9.537
SMART 283 323 41 1.8
CDD 289 401 113 3.03E-16
SMART 325 365 41 0.014
Pfam 325 364 40 3.80E-05
ProSiteProfiles 336 378 43 10.867
SMART 366 406 41 5.4
ProSiteProfiles 377 419 43 9.887
SUPERFAMILY 452 517 66 9.88E-56
Gene3D 459 523 65 8.90E-87
SMART 481 521 41 22
Gene3D 545 650 106 1.50E-31
SUPERFAMILY 545 646 102 1.10E-29
Pfam 546 646 101 8.70E-26
ProSiteProfiles 553 620 68 18.72
SMART 553 650 98 5.50E-24
CDD 650 696 47 4.39E-05

Gene function (GO predictions)

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Molecular function Protein binding Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).

Expression data

Expression pattern

Expression pattern of Lj1g3v0053660.3, powered by ExpAt. For advanced configuration, data transformation and export options, view expression data in the ExpAt application.

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Co-expressed genes

A list of the top 25 highly co-expressed genes of Lj1g3v0053660.3, powered by CORGI.

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