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IPR038445 is a Neutral ceramidase, C-terminal domain superfamily.

<p>Ceramidases play a key role in sphingolipid metabolism by converting the apoptosis-associated lipid ceramide to Sph, a precursor for the proliferative factor S1P. Three families of CDases (acid, neutral, and alkaline) have been identified that are distinguished by their pH optima, subcellular localisation, primary structure, mechanism, and function [[cite:PUB00097424]].</p> <p>This superfamily represents the C-terminal domain of a group of neutral ceramidases found in both bacteria and eukaryotes [[cite:PUB00007996], [cite:PUB00007997], [cite:PUB00007998]]. The EC classification is [ec:]. The enzyme hydrolyses ceramide to generate sphingosine and fatty acid. The enzyme plays a regulatory role in a variety of physiological events in eukaryotes and also functions as an exotoxin in particular bacteria. This C-terminal tail of the enzyme is highly conserved across all species and may play a role in the interaction of the enzyme with the plasma membranes. The tail is also vital for the stabilisation of the enzyme as a whole [[cite:PUB00097425], [cite:PUB00075611]].</p>

This description is obtained from EB-eye REST.

Associated GO terms

Unable to find any GO terms for the transcript with the identifier.

Associated Lotus transcripts 8

Transcript Name Description Predicted domains Domain count
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT1G07380.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|G7K4V4|G7K4V4_MEDTR Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Found in the gene: LotjaGi1g1v0010900 9
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT1G07380.2 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|G7K4V4|G7K4V4_MEDTR Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Found in the gene: LotjaGi1g1v0010900 15
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT1G07380.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|G7K4V4|G7K4V4_MEDTR Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Found in the gene: LotjaGi1g1v0010900 15
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT1G07380.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|K7MQD2|K7MQD2_SOYBN Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi6g1v0135100 15
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT1G07380.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q0JL46|NCASE_ORYSJ Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|A0A151UAA4|A0A151UAA4_CAJCA Neutral ceramidase; Found in the gene: LotjaGi6g1v0135100 9
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT2G38010.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|A0A0B2S6C2|A0A0B2S6C2_GLYSO Neutral ceramidase; Found in the gene: LotjaGi6g1v0192400 9
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT2G38010.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|I1LW98|I1LW98_SOYBN Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi6g1v0192400 15
Neutral ceramidase; TAIR: AT2G38010.1 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase; Swiss-Prot: sp|Q304B9|NCASE_ARATH Neutral ceramidase; TrEMBL-Plants: tr|A0A0R0GS00|A0A0R0GS00_SOYBN Uncharacterized protein; Found in the gene: LotjaGi6g1v0192400 15

Co-occuring domains 1

A list of co-occurring predicted domains within the L. japonicus gene space:

Predicted domain Source Observations Saturation (%)
SignalP-noTM SignalP_GRAM_NEGATIVE 1 12.50