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Field Value
Gene ID Lj4g3v2973670
Transcript ID Lj4g3v2973670.1
Lotus japonicus genome version MG20 v3.0
Description PREDICTED: DNA repair helicase XPB1-like [Cicer arietinum] gi|502139224|ref|XP_004503689.1|
Working Lj name n.a.

Sequence information

Domain prediction

Data for domain prediction are obtained with InterProScan, and merged with InterPro data obtained from the EB-eye REST service.

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Prediction algorithm Identifier Start End Length E-value InterPro ID
Pfam 3 94 92 4.10E-23
TIGRFAM 3 644 642 0
PANTHER 4 681 678 0
PANTHER 4 681 678 0
PRINTS 55 74 20 1.40E-136
SUPERFAMILY 148 361 214 9.46E-34
PRINTS 167 193 27 1.40E-136
Gene3D 180 359 180 7.20E-29
SMART 182 363 182 7.80E-20
Pfam 185 341 157 5.30E-14
ProSiteProfiles 197 359 163 17.696
PRINTS 198 220 23 1.40E-136
CDD 204 341 138 9.03E-09
SUPERFAMILY 295 369 75 1.52E-29
PRINTS 305 325 21 1.40E-136
Pfam 367 615 249 1.30E-113
PRINTS 371 393 23 1.40E-136
Gene3D 400 521 122 3.60E-10
CDD 402 522 121 1.16E-10
SUPERFAMILY 403 617 215 1.52E-29
PRINTS 409 424 16 1.40E-136
ProSiteProfiles 414 580 167 12.043
PRINTS 429 451 23 1.40E-136
SMART 442 520 79 5.20E-09
PRINTS 476 494 19 1.40E-136
PRINTS 495 520 26 1.40E-136
PRINTS 532 555 24 1.40E-136
PRINTS 623 642 20 1.40E-136

Gene function (GO predictions)

GO predictions are based solely on the InterPro-to-GO mappings published by EMBL-EBI, which are in turn based on the mapping of predicted domains to the InterPro dataset. The InterPro-to-GO mapping was last updated on , while the GO metadata was last updated on .

GO term Namespace Name Definition Relationships
Molecular function DNA binding Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
Molecular function DNA helicase activity Catalysis of the reaction: NTP + H2O = NDP + phosphate, to drive the unwinding of a DNA helix.
Molecular function ATP binding Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, a universally important coenzyme and enzyme regulator.
Biological process Nucleotide-excision repair A DNA repair process in which a small region of the strand surrounding the damage is removed from the DNA helix as an oligonucleotide. The small gap left in the DNA helix is filled in by the sequential action of DNA polymerase and DNA ligase. Nucleotide excision repair recognizes a wide range of substrates, including damage caused by UV irradiation (pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts) and chemicals (intrastrand cross-links and bulky adducts).
Biological process Transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter Any process involved in the assembly of the RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex (PIC) at an RNA polymerase II promoter region of a DNA template, resulting in the subsequent synthesis of RNA from that promoter. The initiation phase includes PIC assembly and the formation of the first few bonds in the RNA chain, including abortive initiation, which occurs when the first few nucleotides are repeatedly synthesized and then released. Promoter clearance, or release, is the transition between the initiation and elongation phases of transcription.
Molecular function Hydrolase activity Catalysis of the hydrolysis of various bonds, e.g. C-O, C-N, C-C, phosphoric anhydride bonds, etc. Hydrolase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 3.

LORE1 insertions 3

Expression data

Expression pattern

Expression pattern of Lj4g3v2973670.1, powered by ExpAt. For advanced configuration, data transformation and export options, view expression data in the ExpAt application.

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Co-expressed genes

A list of the top 25 highly co-expressed genes of Lj4g3v2973670.1, powered by CORGI.

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